About Us
Research Team at Donagh Cemetery in 2011
Research Team at PRONI in 2013
What we are trying to accomplish: Our purpose is to find Hugh McKenna's ancestors and descendants. This effort includes documenting life events and histories for those dear to Hugh. By collecting the low-hanging fruit of Hugh's immediate family and descendants from readily-accessible records, we hope to invoke the help those on the other side to open pathways to learn more about his ancestry. We show our dedication by meeting regularly and by organizing periodic genealogical research trips to access the records that are only available in Northern Ireland. The information gathered is extracted and added to Ancestry.com and FamilySearch.org genealogy databases. We also offer living descendants the ability to interact and exchange information of mutual interest.
What we are doing: New!!! On 21 May 2022 at Noon, we will gather in the Belfast City Cemetery to honor and remember Hugh and Mary McKenna and their descendants. We have recently placed headstones for Hugh and Mary McKenna and for John and Elizabeth Shanks McKenna. At the grave sites, we will share stories of their lives and express our profound appreciation for their lives and sacrifices. On 23 May 2022, we will visit the Public Record of Northern Ireland and research specific Church records to learn more about their past in County Tyrone (Aghaloo Parish) prior to moving to Belfast.
In 2009, 2011 and 2013, representatives of our family group visited Ireland and spent time in Dublin's General Registry Office, Belfast's PRONI and other places researching our roots. We found dozens of Hugh's grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We also continue our research using the ever-expanding online Irish records. Our pedigree is documented on Ancestry.com and FamilySearch.org. Hugh McKenna's's FamilySearch ID is LCTN-ZC8. We use this site (hughmckenna.org) to coordinate our research efforts and transfer all meaningful findings and discussions to Ancestry.com and FamilySearch.org.
Contact Information:
Rich McKenna: mckennarl@comcast.net, cell phone: 801-718-1147
Todd McKenna: mckennaet@gmail.com, cell phone: 435-363-6007
Kathy McConkie: kamcconkie@gmail.com, cell phone: 435-757-1822
Liz Allred: zilallred@gmail.com, cell phone: 435-881-9916
Ruth McKenna Butler: butlers10@hotmail.com, cell phone: 208-534-8825
Sarah McKenna Rogers: jsrogersfamily@yahoo.com, cell phone: 360-600-1469
Rob McKenna: mckenna.rob@gmail.com, cell phone: 801-540-3419